Thursday 9 December 2021


In our film opening, there is a CCTV shot as the killer approaching the house door, which looked really effective. It was shot from a high angle, and we edited it with a blue filter to look more realistic. Like many film productions, we shot our exterior and interior of the house in two different places, then edited it to make it look like it was all taken in one shot. 

Making sure it was dark outside when filming was important to us, to achieve the mysterious atmosphere that we envisioned. However, although we wanted it dark, achieving good lighting was always a priority, to make sure characters and actions could be seen properly.
In addition to this, we used two different houses - one for the exterior and the other for interior. We had to ensure to keep the (dark) lighting simultaneous for both shots for a realistic edit.

Our closing scene of the film opening is the killer playing his guitar, reflecting on the murder he just committed. The camera pans across the guitar, so we just see the hands. However, throughout this we have a voiceover of the killer talking/explaining his actions, to make it clear it is his guitar. We realised for a film opening, whilst we don't want to give too much away, what is shown must be clear for the audience to fully understand.
Throughout the guitar playing, we put together a montage of scenes from the killing, to edit as an overlay over the top. This includes shots of the killer laying the knife in the girls hand, and trying to clear his tracks after the actual murder. The overlays and voiceover implies the killer is having flashbacks of the crime scene whilst he reflects on his actions.

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 *Insert film here REBECCA TODD 1982 I worked with Matthew Sharpe 1975 Our brief was to make the titles and opening of a new fiction film, l...