Ideas for Film Opening
Our brainstormed ideas about the plot, the soundtrack
-a title that's dynamic and engaging
- the top line - elegant sentence that sums up the story
-the big question - cliff-hanger?
who is the clown? why is that person killed? how many others have been killed?
the synopsis - one or two paragraphs outlining the plot
dead person lying by the swings
cuts to news report. killer clowns sighted first time in 5 years. person murdered in the park. is it a coincidence?
cctv of person walking out of the park
flashback of person being killed in the woods
characters. brief introduction
person who was killed
newsreader - killer clowns sighted first time in 5 years. person murdered in the park. halloween
flashback to person being killed in the woods
Halloween, park swings at night. killer clown.
news report killer clowns reported seen after 5 years. someone seen dead by the swings. person walking away.
Evidence of useful brainstorming and initial planning. Complete this post, in particular, the title, top line, perhaps a bit more in the synopsis?